General Outreach

Below is a list of highlight outreach work I have been involved with. You can also find more information on my Speakezee page by clicking here.

Awards and recognition

Public talks and work

  • National finalist in the 2012, Institute of Physics Three Minute Wonder competition. In three minutes, I showed how a telescope could be used as a time machine.
  • Regional finalist in the 2014 Famelab competition. I gave 2 three minute talks: What are gravitational waves and What are exoplanets.
  • The 2014 3 Minute Thesis competition where I had to explain my research in just three minutes.
  • I have presented twice at the annual Cardiff University Christmas lectures, where I gave a light hearted look at the statistics of Christmas songs and created a scientific Christmas tree. I was asked to present a fuller length version of my Christmas song statistics talk at the following years event.
  • I have presented my work at the Cardiff University Speaking of Science conference, where I discussed my research on a basic and understandable level to other postgraduate students from different subject areas. I won the best talk of the session for my talk.
  • I performed at Science Showoff last year, talking about what it would be like for Justin Bieber to fall in to a black hole! (
  • Writer of a regular piece in the Popular Astronomer magazine, entitled "What would it be like to..." in 2015.

In the media

School Talks and Workshops

I  have taken part in the STARS project, part of the Universe Awareness project (UNAWE). I was lucky enough to go to in to several primary school over the course of a year to do talks, workshops and demonstrations. The main aim of my involvement in the project was to get some experience and training at performing outreach at schools, which has given me many more skills and experience that I hope to use in the future.

Organised conference and workshops

I have been an organiser of Science Cafe Cardiff since 2014. Science cafe is a monthly event where scientists and people involved in STEM subjects gives public talks on their work or research. I have helped behind the scenes organising the events, running the social media and being a compere at several events.

In 2014 I volunteered as part of a university program where students organise and run their own conference. The conference, known as Speaking of Science, is an annual conference for postgraduate students at Cardiff University, studying in a STEM subject. I went through formal training before being part of a team that organised that years conference. Whilst all the decisions and many of the tasks were performed as a group, I also took on the jobs of organising the social media for the event. The day was absolutely brilliant and was the highest attendance in the history of the conference.

Using the skills I gained from the Speaking of Science conference, I decided that I would like to organise my own conference from scratch. Working with three postgraduates in my department, we organised the first, soon to be annual, Cardiff University Physics and Astronomy Early Career Researcher conference. This 1 day conference is for postgraduates and post-doctorates to work together, to better know each other and gain valuable skills needed as an early career researcher. The first conference happened in summer 2015 and was immediately approved to take place in future years.